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Opening ourselves to Christ at the peripheries

16min | Presented by John Lochowiak

This presentation draws on John's many experiences of working with Aboriginal people and his own Catholic upbringing. He notes that it is not just aboriginals who are on the periphery of society, but many other groups as well. He challenges us to think about what these groups "hunger for".
John is a Wadi (initiated man) who has strong ties to many language groups throughout Australia including but not limited to Pitjantjatjara, Kaurna, Ramindjeri and Arerrnte. His strong cultural grounding is complemented by his deep Catholic faith. His position on the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council compliments his current role as manager of Aboriginal Services at Centacare and as the head of the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry in Adelaide. John and his family have been involved with this ministry for three decades.
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