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Living the spirit of Laudato Si' and the Gospel of Creation towards Integral Ecology
20min | Presented by Jacqui Remond
This presentation explains what Laudato Si' and Integral Ecology mean for the individual and the community? It asks, how can we personally and as communities better care for our common home? Is this call for action a way to animate ourselves and our communities to be the good news for the whole of creation? What is a Laudato Si' Action Plan and how do we go about it?
Jacqui is a co-founder of the global Laudato Si’ Movement and joint coordinator of the Vatican Ecology Taskforce at the Dicastery for Integral Human Development. She has worked in education, advocacy, research and collaboration. She served as the director of Catholic Earthcare Australia.
Jacqui holds a Bachelor of Education and Science, Cambridge English Language Teaching Accreditation, a Post Graduate Certificate in Leading Resilient Enterprises, and is currently undertaking doctoral studies researching Transformative Learning: Dialogue and Integral Ecology.
Jacqui combines the above commitments with caring for her young family.
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