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Called and Chosen by God

12min | Presented by Anne Delsorte

A video presentation produced for the World Meeting of Families Australia 2022. Find out more at

Anne Delsorte is the director of the Graceville atrium, Brisbane, which has just celebrated its 25th anniversary and is the longest running atrium in Australia. She is an international formation leader in the work of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and vice president of the national association of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Australia. She is also a member of the International Council representing Australasia. Prior to this, Anne worked as a teacher in Catholic Education for many years. Anne and her husband Eddy, their three children and 11 grandchildren, are members of Emmanuel Community, Brisbane. The Graceville atrium serves both this community and the local parish of Corinda/Graceville and families from throughout the Archdiocese of Brisbane.
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